Mesajul lui Nostradamus către Români (Nostradamus’s message to the Romanians), Paperback, 1998
Mesajul lui Nostradamus către Români (Nostradamus’s message to the Romanians), Paperback, 1998
Romanian | Vlaicu Ionescu (Author), Dan Zamfirescu (Foreword)
Publisher: Ed. Roza Vanturilor, Bucharest, Romania, ISBN-10: 97390037415
Mesajul lui Nostradamus către Români, Introducere, bibliografie cronologică si Viaţa lui Nostradamus de Dan Zamfirescu, (Nostradamus’s message to the Romanians. Introduction, chronological bibliography, and Life of Nostradamus by Dan Zamfirescu). Ed. Roza Vanturilor, Bucharest, Romania. 12mo, 240 pages. Vlaicu Ionescu, the most learned and most inspired interpreter of Nostradamus, renowned worldwide, published in France, USA, Japan, and Italy, is for his countrymen a prophet sent to enlighten and strengthen the nation at a crossroads of history. Vlaicu Ionescu was impressed that Romania is a special land in Nostradamian prophecy; it evokes the legendary past brilliance of its ancestors, the Dacians, it has a certain spiritual prestige and a global presence through universally recognized personalities. In this new edition of the book, the author includes new interpretations of texts on Romania and confirmations of predictions made in the first edition.