Nostradamus - L'Histoire Secrète du Monde (Nostradamus - The Secret History of the World), Paperback, 1987
Nostradamus - L'Histoire Secrète du Monde (Nostradamus - The Secret History of the World), Paperback, 1987
French | Vlaicu Ionescu (Author), Raymond Abellio (Foreword)
Publisher: Éditions du Félin, Paris, France, ISBN-10: 2866450299
Nostradamus - L'Histoire Secrète du Monde (Nostradamus - The Secret History of the World). Éditions du Félin, Paris, France. 8vo, 552 pages. Best-seller. Foreword by Reymond Abellio. Professor Vlaicu Ionescu discovered a new method of decryption enriched with the system of occultation used by the alchemists, the “language of the birds”, which Fulcanelli called “Cabala Hermetica”. In this second book in French, the author interprets new Nostradamian texts with a focus on the History of England and America and on the Western free world as opposed to the totalitarian regimes of the Proletarian Era. The fall of the Soviet Regime in 1991, the liberation of countries beyond the Iron Curtain, the fall on the Berlin Wall, and the unification of Germany are correctly predicted again.