Nostradamus - Epistola către Henric II (Nostradamus - Epistle to Henry II), Paperback, 1999
Nostradamus - Epistola către Henric II (Nostradamus - Epistle to Henry II), Paperback, 1999
Romanian | Vlaicu Ionescu
Publisher: Ed. Evex, Bucharest, Romania, ISBN-10: 9739823742
Nostradamus - Epistola către Henric II (Nostradamus - Epistle to Henry II), Ed. Evex, Bucharest, Romania. 8vo, 272 pages. Cryptanalysis of the whole text. It is an absolute world premiere, because no one until Vlaicu Ionescu dared to interpret this text in prose written by Nostradamus in 1558. “It is an uninterrupted historical fresco from the French Revolution to the Grand Monarch and beyond, to a final Antichrist and where there is no lack of any important event of that historical phase that I called the Proletarian Era. Unlike the quatrains, where history unfolds from the very time of the Prophet's life, the Epistle is limited to the modern age, where the phenomenon of communism is most developed, just as Nostradamus had promised in the Prèface to his son Caesar” – Introduction, pg. 46