Nostradamus - Profet al Lumii Moderne, Vol. II (Nostradamus - Prophet of the Modern World), Vol. II, Paperback, 2001
Nostradamus - Profet al Lumii Moderne, Vol. II (Nostradamus - Prophet of the Modern World), Vol. II, Paperback, 2001
Romanian | Vlaicu Ionescu (Author), Alina Beiu-Desliu (Translation)
Publisher: Ed. Albatros, Bucharest, Romania, ISBN-10: 9732407883
Nostradamus - Profet al Lumii Moderne (Nostradamus - Prophet of the Modern World), Vol. II, Ed. Albatros, Bucharest, Romania. 12mo, 378 pages. Second volume of the Tetralogia Nostradamica, largely based on the three books published in France by Professor Vlaicu Ionescu: Le Message de Nostradamus sur l'Ere Prolétaire, 1976, Nostradamus L’Histoire Secrète du Monde, 1986, and Les Dernières Victoires de Nostradamus, 1993. Prophecies regarding the historical era from Nostradamus to the First World War, of which new texts are commented here for the first time. Many interpretations already published are improved; new solutions and breakthroughs deepen interpretations by Anatole Le Pelletier or other interpreters that followed. The discovery of the hermeneutic antidote to a system of cryptology specific to the Nostradamian texts that Vlaicu Ionescu called the "amphibological trap.”